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  • info@attaya.co
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Cloud Based POS solutions

AMYPRO Solution for Food and Beverages Industry

” AMYPRO is a solution from ATTAYA on Microsoft Dynamics to automate and manage food and beverages Retail business operations covering the PoS, Restaurant Management and Back-office operations as a single integrated solution to ensure customer delight with insight and control on business operations. “

AMYPRO is a top class comprehensive solutions for managing operations for a restaurant business from customer experience integrated to the back office to manage finance and operations.

AMYPRO, integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 runs on the Microsoft cloud giving empowering the business with mobility, scalability and business intelligence with the stability and security of the Microsoft cloud.

Available as a cloud based POS for smaller restaurants and as a value chain integrated solution with MS Dynamics 365 for a business managing multiple chains of restaurants.

AMYPRO Food and Beverages Solution can be broadly divided into 3 Main Modules

Point of sale at Restaurant

To effectively manage a restaurants operations including Kitchen Management, Inventory Management and end of day reporting.

Restaurant Manager

Includes all features and functionalities required to service the customer with a delightful experience.

Central Headquarter

To manage centralized operations including procurement, inventory, financials and business intelligence for business owners and line managers. Food Resources Development effectively operates 24 restaurants with a centralized kitchen and is enabled to derive benefits of Improved customer experience.